geoffrey gauchet


After a long day of hard work, I decided that maybe I should grab a bite to eat. I was pretty hungry. I stopped in at a small sandwich shop, a place known for their fantastic Reubens. Now, I’ve had a Reuben from nearly every restaurant this side of the Mason-Dixon, so when I hear a place is known for their Reuben, I absolutely have to try it. Maybe it’s the sauerkraut or the dressing, or just the corned beef, but I absolutely love a good Reuben. I’m sure I can also chalk it up to the fact that I’ve never met a bad guy named Reuben.

Of course, I’ve never met a guy named Reuben.

So, I sidled up to the bar, excited to use the word “sidled” for the first time in years, and I ordered the Reuben. I said, “Yeah, I’ll have the Reuben”. As I waited for my sandwich, a gentleman sat next to me. 

“Hey,” he said to me. “How’s it going?”. I responded that it was going pretty well and got back to staring at the menu. 

He looked over at me and said, “Mind if I share a story with you?”

Now, I wasn’t much in the mood to have a conversation, but I have issues with saying “no” to people, so I obliged.

“Sure, go ahead.”

“Well, after a long day of hard work, I decided that maybe I should grab a bite to eat. I was pretty hungry. I stopped in at a small sandwich shop, a place known for their fantastic Dagwoods. Now, I’ve had a Dagwood from nearly every restaurant this side of the Prime Meridian, so when I hear a place is known for their Dagwood, I absolutely have to try it. Maybe it’s the size, or the amount of meats, but I absolutely love a good Dagwood. I’m sure I can chalk it up to the fact that I’ve never read a bad Blondie strip. 

“Of course, I’ve never read a Bondie strip.

“So I shimmied over to the bar, excited to use the word ‘shimmied’ for the first time in years, and I ordered the Dagwood. I said, ‘Yeah, I’ll have the Dagwood.’ As I waited for my sandwich, a gentleman sat next to me.

“‘Hey,’ he said to me. ‘How’s it going?’ I responded that it was going pretty well and got back to staring at the menu.

“He looked over at me and said, ‘Mind if I share a story with you?’

“Now, I wasn’t much in the mood to have a conversation, but I have issues saying ‘no’ to people, so I obliged.

“‘Sure, go ahead,’ I said, and then I proceeded to tell him a story about how I went to the sandwich shop to order a Reuben, because I really love Reubens.

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